This is the house getting gutted: the drywall and shiplap all torn out, getting ready for insulation.
Here is the latest picture of the back yard
This is the house getting gutted: the drywall and shiplap all torn out, getting ready for insulation.
Here is the latest picture of the back yard
Here are some recent Derwent pics. It’s just about all framed up.
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This is a CTV newscast with my interview and GoPro Hero footage of a jeep going over a bank and a 5 ton doing a 180 in icy conditions in Cumberland BC
Feb 29, 2012. With my GoPro HDHero video camera I shot this footage of trucks and cars in the ditch and a semi on its side due to the icy conditions on the connector and the off-ramp at Exit 117 at Cumberland, BC. At :58 you can see at the top of the off-ramp where a jeep goes right over the bank and then a moving van does a 180 degrees skid.
I work casual on-call for the Cumberland Museum. I worked there the last couple of days and got to meet a lot of interesting people. One thing that comes up over and over is they are so impressed with the rich history of our little village. If you haven’t made it out there this summer then you should go! Take the whole fam damily, some friends, Grandma and Grandpa, cause everyone will love it! And some people enjoy coming by themselves and take their own sweet time going through. I can understand how that would be appealing. The replica coal mine on the lower level is really cool, save it for last. You could pick up a Heritage Walking Tour brochure at the Museum and take a walk through Cumberland when you’re done. So come on out to Dodge, you will be giving yourself a special treat.
>Here’s a little video of me riding my quad down the Trent river trail. This is absolutely the best time of the year to be out riding. Love it.